Sunday, March 2, 2014

Safely Home

We are back and glad to be with our families again. We are so grateful for your support and prayers. Please continue to pray for the children in Orlando as well as the team as they begin to catch up on missed work.
Praise be to God for His goodness to us!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Orlando Children's Church

As we drove into our ministry neighbourhoods early this morning, we were excited to see which kids would turn out and get on the bus. God did not disappoint! By the time we left the last stop the bus was packed with kids (more than 48 in total) and there was barely any room to sit.  Praise God for His work in these kids' lives. We pray that they will continue getting on that bus every Saturday morning.

OCC is quite the operation.  More than 300 kids (JK-high school) are bussed in on more than 12 school buses (driven by volunteers) each week.  The kids get a free McDonald's breakfast, play outdoor games, learn Bible memory verses and then 4 different services are conducted for different age groups. More than 100 volunteers show up every Saturday morning to help cook, pass out food, play with the kids, mentor kids, lead worship etc. This all started with a van and a vision, more than 7 years ago. And God has grown this ministry for His glory and for the sake of these Orlando children.

After some tearful goodbyes, we headed back to the church for lunch, spent the afternoon doing a bit of site-seeing and then just finished enjoying a nice dinner together.  We are full, we are tired, we are filled with gratitude and joy.  

Tomorrow morning we will spend sometime reflecting on the things God has shown us, attend church and then head to the airport to return home.  

Parents, we will be flying into Terminal 1 and are scheduled to land at 17:44 AC1867. See you tomorrow!