Thursday, March 15, 2012

Safe Arrival

Thank you for reading the blog. By God's grace all have returned home safely.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Last day in India

We are spending the day with Stuart and Monique Shaw before heading to the airport tonight. Though the students are tired, they are well. The flight home will certainly be filled with sleep!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A quick update

Hello all,

All students have returned safely to Calcutta.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

A quick update

The team has arrived safely in Darjeeling after a one hour flight and a three hour journey up the mountain. All are well.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday update

Our study of the book of Acts has been significant in helping us to process what we are seeing and experiencing in India. This morning, our study took us to Acts 4 where Peter and John are on trial for healing a crippled man. The Sanhedrin are struck by three things about Peter and John: their courage, their lack of education and their ordinariness. Yet what defines these men is the fact that "these men had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13). Our students live in a culture where a premium is placed on education and being extraordinary. Yet what matters - what really matters - is that they have been with Jesus. Oh, that PCA would raise up a generation of men and women who have met Jesus, have been with him and who journey with him through their lifetimes!

Monique Shaw came and presented a tragic story of a woman who had been sold into prostitution at a young age in order to help her parents pay off their debts and acquire medication for her brother. However, through the intervention of Christians, this woman was able to get an education and leave prostitution. This presentation, in the form of a movie, captures the heart of what Monique does here in Calcutta. After this, we journeyed into the heart of Calcutta where we saw the Kalighat temple from a distance. Kali is the goddess of death in Hinduism and is the goddess of this city. The Kalighat temple is a spiritually dark center of idol worship built along the banks of the Ganges river and adjacent to the red-light district where Monique Shaw ministers to women trafficked for sexual exploitation.

The students were led around the vicinity of the temple and devoted themselves to prayer for those captive to this false religion. The things seen, heard and smelled today will likely never be duplicated in our lifetimes. We saw grotesque images of Kali with blood stained lips, heard the sales pitches of merchants selling idols for personal worship and smelt the stench of the Ganges river. As we journeyed through alley ways filled with merchants selling idols or images of Hindu gods, the words of Isaiah 44:9-11;16-19 were never more clear or poignant:

" All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame. Who shapes a god and casts an idol, which can profit nothing? People who do that will be put to shame; such craftsmen are only human beings. Let them all come together and take their stand; they will be brought down to terror and shame... Half of the wood he burns in the fire;over it he prepares his meal, he roasts his meat and eats his fill. He also warms himself and says, “Ah! I am warm; I see the fire.” From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, “Save me! You are my god!” They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand. No one stops to think, no one has the knowledge or understanding to say, "Half of it I used for fuel; I even baked bread over its coals, I roasted meat and I ate. Shall I make a detestable thing from what is left? Shall I bow down to a block of wood?”

Tomorrow, we have the opportunity to travel to Darjeeling. Our planes flies out at noon. After landing in Darjeeling, we have a 3 hour jeep ride up a mountain to our cottage retreat. Because of the monies raised, we are able to provide the entire Shaw family with a much needed retreat as well. We are looking forward to spending this time with them and the chance to bless them with a break from their labours.

Thank you for your prayers for the team. Please pray that God would be pleased to raise up from this team and from our school those who would give of themselves to serving the people of India through the sharing of the gospel and the sharing of their lives as well.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thank you PCA for the gifts!

We had the privilege of delivering gifts to the children both yesterday and today. PCA's grade 10 students donated shoes for each of the children here at the Children's Home and we surprised them with the shoes by having them lift a parachute which then revealed the shoes underneath. They then searched for their own pair of shoes by looking for their names in the shoes. The children were so excited and so grateful for the new shoes that they don't want to take the tags off! Thank you grade 10s for your generous gift to these children!

Today, we delivered the bed sheets that the grade 9s purchased for the children. We placeed each of the new bed sheets on their mattresses and had them open the packages and helped them to put them them on. They were so thankful to own something new, I saw a few of the girls hold the sheets to their faces to feel how soft they were. Thank you grade 9s for giving them these gifts. They will sleep on new bed sheets tonight!

As I finish up this post, our team is leading the last session with the children downstairs. They are singing "Same, same hands" and the a part of the lyrics goes "The same, same hands that made the mountains....And in His hands I know I'll always be!". That is our prayer for these children, that they will know that their lives are in God's hands, which is already evident by their being able to be here in this home. These children have a captured our hearts in the time we have been with them. They have shown us that joy and happiness is not dependent on possessions and challenged us by being so generous with the little that they have.

We will be leaving here soon and I can imagine that it will be difficult to go, knowing that we will not return. But we find comfort to know that they are in good hands.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thursday morning

Good morning from India.

Our morning began at 6:30am as we woke up with the children in the home. Last night was filled with laughter and fun as we played and shared and sung with the children until it was their bed time. We were moved to discover that the matresses which served as our beds last night were actually the children's mattresses. They donated them to us so that we could sleep. The children here are teaching us about generosity, worship and gratitude in very practical and meaningful ways.

Morning devotions:


Today we continue to teach in the day. We have been studying through the story of the Exodus and seeing how God keeps his promises to us in Christ, how God protects his people and how Jesus alone kept all of God's perfect law on our behalf.

Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wednesday afternoon

Hello and thank you for checking the blog. It is 1:30 in the afternoon in India (ignore the time stamps on the blog - I don't know how to correct those).

We woke up this morning and began our day reading and studying Acts 3. (We are studying through Acts while in India). We learned in our study how the name of Jesus has power not only to heal us but also to bring us into fellowship with God.

Breakfast at the YWCA always consists of a couple of pieces of bread, a square of butter and a spoon of jam, a banana and an egg. While we are aware that the breakfast is simple and the same each day, there isn't a hint of a complaint. Being in Calcutta, we are aware that this breakfast is nothing short of a feast compared to the little that many people here eat.

Our bus picked us up at 8:30am for the hour long drive to the children's home in the village. Our time with the children continues to be meaningful and profitable. This morning, Merna taught the children the story of the plagues and how God was faithful to protect and save his people. Merna invited the children to turn to Jesus in trust and to rest in his protection and salvation.

We have just finished lunch with the children consisting of rice, dahl, egg curry and vegetables. The students have quickly adapted to eating Indian food - with their hands. Right now the children in the home will settle down for a rest. After they wake up we will continue our Bible lessons with the children.

Tonight we will be staying the night in the home. The streets of Calcutta, we understand, will be clogged as the Hindu celebration of Holi gets underway. We've all packed a few extra items of clothes for the evening. We will have breakfast with the children in the morning and begin a full day of ministry with them tomorrow.

As you are praying for the team, please remember the Shaws in your prayers. They are a lovely family who are walking humbly before God. They are not prone to boasting about their ministry but really it is a remarkable work that they have here in India. Most of these children were picked up from the train tracks and faced a life of gruelling poverty, sexual abuse or death had Stuart not intervened on their behalf. This home has been running for only a couple of years now. His greatest fear is that as some of the girls get a little older, relatives will start to arrive demanding that their daughters be returned to the extended family so that they can be married off for a large dowry or else sold into slavery of one kind or another.
Monique, his wife, has a remarkable ministry to the women who are living or working in the red-light districts. She has four women that she is training and equipping with skills so that they do not need depend on prostitution for an income.

We have been received so warmly by the Shaws. We are grateful for them and blessed by their faithful and fruitful ministry. So please include them, by name, in your prayers for the team.

Tuesday afternoon

It is 3:00 on Tuesday afternoon as I write this. The team is almost done their first day at the orphanage where we have been warmly received by the children. Most of the 21 children here once made their homes on the train tracks. The Shaws opened this home for these children 2 years ago to provide safety, regular and healthy meals and an opportunity for education to these children. The difference between the children we met on the train tracks and these children is stark. These children are healthy, their finger nails are clean, there are no open sores or wounds on their bodies. The biggest difference is the smiles on these children's faces.

We sang with the children, taught them the story of Moses and enjoyed making some crafts with them.

For lunch we enjoyed rice and vegetables.

The youngest of the children are now taking a nap and our team is teaching a lesson to the older children.

All are well and slowly adjusting to the climate, the food and the new time zone.

Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tuesday morning update

It is Tuesday morning we have just finished our morning devotions and are having breakfast as we prepare to head to the orphanage for the day.

All members of the team are well.

Pray for a glad and sincere love to be demonstrated to these children. Pray for clarity as we teach and pray for a willingness to serve.

A quick update

Just a short note to let you know that all are well. We are still unable to log on to the blog at this time.

The team is having dinner and then will be heading to bed soon. Tomorrow we go to the orphanage for the first of three days.

On Wednesday night we have decided to spend the night at the orphanage rather than coming back to the YWCA. Wednesday night is a Hindu festival which sees the streets packed with revellers. Rather than brave the crowds, it will be safer to stay the night at the orphanage and return to the YWCA on Thursday evening.

Pray that we would be an encouragement and a blessing to the children in the orphanage and that we would honour Jesus in all we say and do.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Monday's plan

We are having difficulty accessing the blog from India so Mr. Lo will update it on our behalf.

Hello from India,

It is Monday morning. The boys will be joining Stuart Shaw as he goes to the train station to minister to the street youth while the girls will go with Monique Shaw as she works with women leaving prostitution.

In the afternoon, we will be visiting Mother Theresa's home and then spend the remainder of the day in preparation for our work in the orphanage.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Arrived Safely

Hello from India,

We arrived in Calcutta at 1am last night. We spent at least an hour snaking our way through the immigration line and were warmly welcomed by Stuart and Monique Shaw who had arranged to transport us and our luggage by bus to the YWCA.

We settled into our rooms by 3am and were up for breakfast at 8am this morning. Breakfast consisted of two pieces of toast, an egg and a banana.

We worshiped with other Christians this morning and had the joy of sharing in the Lord's supper with them.

At this point, we do not have reliable internet access. So, we will do our best to get out updates daily but no promises.

All the members of the team are well. We are going to do some orientation today and spend some time preparing for the VBS at the children's home later today.

Please pray for faithful and fruitful ministry while we are here.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Departure Details

See you tomorrow afternoon at 2:30pm at Pearson Terminal One, by pillar G.
Make sure you have your passport and malarone with you!

Monday, January 16, 2012

School Chapel: Missions to India Introduction

On December 7, 2011 the team made a presentation in our school chapel and introduced the students to India, described a bit of our ministry there with our host missionaries, and challenged us to follow the footsteps of William Carey, the "father of modern missions". Chapel was concluded with the entire school praying for India and the team in their community groups.

Please watch the video to receive more information about our mission and to get further acquainted with the team.